Insuarance Blog

  • June 24th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard a lot about business insurance. However, you may not have heard exactly how business insurance can be helpful to you. You may also be unaware of the various specific areas in which business insurance can help you. There are several diverse types of business insurance that are formulated […]

  • June 15th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

No matter what kind of car you drive, you’ll naturally want to find the most reasonably priced car insurance available. While you’re hunting around for a good auto insurance rate, you may not be hearing the prices that you want to hear. What you may not realize is that your car insurance rates may be […]

  • May 20th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

It’s true that insurance is an important and foundational investment, but no one said that having insurance has to be too hard on your wallet. When you are looking for any kind of insurance, it pays to know a thing or two about finding affordable insurance premiums. As long as you know how to handle […]

  • May 15th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

Buying a new car is always exciting. At least, it is until you get your first car insurance bill. If you have been one of the many people who gasps when opening your car insurance bill, you’re not alone. Not to worry, though – there is a better way. By learning a few things about […]

  • March 16th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

With everything going on in the world Filing your taxes is the last thing anyone wants to deal with.  So just call our office 714-835-0840 and with just a little info we can get your extension filed today for free. As of now the State of CA has extended tax interest and penalties for the […]

  • March 10th, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

On a Rainey day like today it just reminds me how important it is to have proper coverage when you’re out driving.  It’s no secret that So cal drivers cannot drive in the rain.  Now I would not like to put myself in to this category as I tell my wife “I’m almost a race […]

  • January 23rd, 2020
  • Written By: Michael

In today’s blog I would love to tell a story.  A story of how a newly married couple started selling appliances at the swap meat and grew, changed, and evolved a business in to the best tax preparation office in Santa Ana. In the late 70’s Frank and Maria palmer started selling used appliances and […]

  • December 21st, 2019
  • Written By: Michael

The internet is a weird thing.  For example, let’s talk about Cheap Insurance.  Cheap insurance is something that people often use to look for local agents that have good rates.  Someone may put Cheap insurance Santa Ana in their search bar to see if that can lower there auto insurance rate.  Although many times we […]

  • December 19th, 2019
  • Written By: Michael

So the holidays are here and we are all looking to save money in any way we can.  Go ahead and keep that Disney Plus account and don’t cancel the Netflix. The best thing you can do is call us for an Auto insurance quote especially if you are near Santa Ana.  Our office is […]

  • November 21st, 2019
  • Written By: Michael

We often get asked what generates an insurance rate.  There are a few obvious factors like the type of car you drive and if you have any tickets or accidents on your driving record.  But one factor that is often overlooked is the aria you live in.   For Example if you are looking for Car […]