Buying a new car is always exciting. At least, it is until you get your first car insurance bill. If you have been one of the many people who gasps when opening your car insurance bill, you’re not alone. Not to worry, though – there is a better way. By learning a few things about how business insurance santa ana rates are calculated, you can hack your car insurance premiums. If you don’t want to open your car insurance bills to be a stressful event, check out these tips for reducing your car insurance premium to a more manageable amount:
Before you go looking for car insurance quotes in Santa Ana, start by picking a car that tends to be cheaper to insure. Cars with more than 2 doors tend to be cheaper to insure as a rule. Also, if you have the choice between a hatchback car and a 2-door sedan, go for the hatchback. Hatchback cars count as 3-doored cars for insurance purposes and end up being cheaper to insure (the large trunk counts as a third door). You may also want to find out the kind of safety equipment that lowers your premiums (like anti-lock brakes) and find a car that comes with those safety options.
One factor that many people don’t consider when looking for car insurance near Santa Ana is the effect of their commute mileage on their insurance cost. The further you live from work, the higher your chances of getting involved in an accident on your commute. Therefore, a longer commute means a higher insurance premium. While not everyone has the opportunity to move closer to work, it’s something to consider. It’s also worth your while to look for a new job closer to home if you’re planning to change jobs.
When you shop around for auto insurance santa ana, the insurance company looks at your credit score in order to determine how much of a risk you pose in terms of ability to make payments on time. If you improve your credit score over time, you will have more and better options when you look for car insurance. While buying a new car may require rigorous work, paying your car insurance premium can be significantly less stressful if you incorporate these simple tips into your life.
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